Our team has been productive in communicating our research results. This year, we have presented in three peer-reviewed national and international conferences. These included the 2023 Annual conference of the Canadian Association for Applied linguistics, Annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education at York University, Toronto and the 2023 Conference “Education and New Developments” in Lisbon. During the conference, we were able to hear feedback from colleagues and further refine our data analysis and interpretation.
- Li, J. (2023). Digital technologies, mental health challenges and academic language development of Indigenous youth: A retrospective. Paper presented at the 2023 Conference “Education and New Developments”. Lisbon, Portugal, June 24-26, 2023.
- Li, J. (2023). A systematic literature review: A pragmatic model of online engagement and affordances to support adolescent learners. Paper presented at the 2023 Conference “Education and New Developments”. Lisbon, Portugal, June 24-26, 2023.
- Li, J. (2023). Enhancing university students’ academic writing skills using a mind mapping app. The 2023 Annual conference of the Canadian Association for Applied linguistics (CAAL/ACLA). May 27-29, York University.
- Li, J., Geva, E., Snow, C., & Biemiller. A. (2023). Teaching vocabulary through empowering shared storytelling with Indigenous students: A community-based instructional design. The 2023 Annual conference of the Canadian Association for Applied linguistics (CAAL/ACLA). May 27-29, York University.
- Li, J., & Roihan, N. (2023). A systematic review: The use of digital technology for Indigenous students’ learning of English language skills. The 2023 Annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). May 27-June 1, York University.
- Li, J., McGravey, M., & Roihan, N. (2023). A scoping review of empirical evidence: A framework of online engagement and support for adolescent The 2023 Annual conference of the Canadian Society for the Study of Education (CSSE). May 27-June 1, York University.